Contact Us

For enquiries about Oriental Yeast’s products or to place an order, please click on the link to the website of the company or office closest to your region, shown below.


Nisshin Seifun OYC (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd.

Oriental Yeast India Pvt. Ltd.

OYC Americas, Inc.

⋆Please note that Nisshin Seifun OYC (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., only handles food products of the Oriental Yeast Group’s food business. For enquiries about or orders of products supplied by the Group’s bioindustry business in your region, please contact Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., using the contact form below.

For other enquiries, please contact Oriental Yeast Co., Ltd., by filling out the following form.

Your information will be used only for the purpose of responding to your enquiries.
Personal information will not be disclosed to third parties other than the Oriental Group.
Please be aware that we may not be able to respond to every inquiry.
Please refrain from republishing or using all or part of email message from us in any way other than for your own personal use.